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What You Need to Know Before Taking Memory Boosting Supplements?

Taking memory boosting supplements has become a norm today. Although they are primarily recommended for the elderly and people suffering from certain health issues, more and more people are finding taking memory boosting supplements beneficial to have wonders on their mental health.

What are Nootropics?

There is a diverse range of memory boosting supplements available. They are also called nootropics. However, there is huge uncertainty surrounding their effectiveness. Although the positive effects of many nootropics on the brain are backed by research findings, most of them lack sufficient research to cite anything conclusive.

If you’re interested in taking nootropics to boost your memory and have other mental health benefits, then you should know the important factors that you need to consider before purchasing a memory boosting supplement.

Factors to Factor In Before Taking Memory Boosting Supplements

1. Safety of Memory Boosting Supplements

Although most memory boosting supplements are safe to consume when taken within the safe limits, there are certain health issues that you must be aware of that might result from the use of these substances.

For example, caffeine is a popular memory boosting supplement with additional benefits like increased focus. Consuming too much caffeine, however, can yield undesired effects like anxiety, nausea, and sleeping problems.

Bacopa monnieri is another popular memory boosting supplement that is part of several alternative medicine practices like Ayurveda. It can cause diarrhea and an upset stomach in some people. Hence, it is advised to consume it with food.

2. Efficiency of Memory Boosting Supplements

Although there are a galore of memory boosting supplements available in the market, only a few of them are proven for efficiency. For instance, B vitamins like B6, B9, and B12 are sold as memory boosting supplements by several companies.

Some small studies find out their efficiency in improving memory. However, their efficiency is limited by the fact that they are usually effective in people that have a deficiency of the same. This means that if your body is getting enough B vitamins then consuming more of them won’t do any significant good to your memory.

3. Keep the Dosage Within the Same Limit

All memory boosting supplements come with dosage limits that you need to comply with to avoid undesired health effects. The safe daily dosage limit for caffeine, for example, is 200 to 400 mg for adults. Taking more than that can cause nausea and sleep issues.

4. Consult a Physician Beforehand

Many people ignore seeking advice from a physician before deciding to add a nootropic to their routine. This should be avoided as not all memory boosting supplements work for everyone.


Memory boosting supplements are becoming increasingly popular. You can purchase them online or offline. However, not all of them will work for you. Therefore, you need to consult a physician before taking them.

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